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Motivation Monday :)
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Monday, November 09, 2015
By Jena Golden
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It's so easy to go with the flow, to just do what everyone else is doing.  You just do it, even if something doesn't quite feel right.  Pay attention to that nagging little feeling though.  It means something.  Maybe it means it's time to stand alone.  And that is not an easy thing to do.

I kept getting that nagging feeling years ago.  At that time it related to the business, where it was headed, the direction I had taken it (rightly so at the time because of some family situations).  But life had gotten smoother & I knew it was time for a change.  I had to run it differently.  I wanted to create portraits, not take pictures.  I wanted to build people up, to be involved, to create relationships & to make a difference in the way they saw themselves.  So, that's what I strive to do.  In life and here in the studio with my seniors.  I get questioned about why I don't take on certain projects or contract work.  Well, that's why.  It doesn't line up with my purpose.  And trying to stay true to that in this industry is incredibly hard when certain opportunities come our way.  But saying no to some of those, not joining the crowd, means saying yes to something else.  And I'm ok with that.   

So, it could be at school, at work or in business, whatever your circumstance.  But be sure to listen to that little voice, those feelings, telling you to move away from the crowd.  It's tough.  But it's worth it.  I promise.    

Forsyth County Senior Portraits, Jena Golden Photography, Motivation Monday

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